Kids First Sports Center
Kids First Sports Center


Preschool Gymnastics

Quick Links: Age Groups | Spring Recital | Open Play | Tumble Bee Parties | Mergers | Staff
Preschool Gymnastics


6 weeks - 6 year olds

Since 1975 Tumble Bees℠ has been the premier preschool gymnastics program in the Greater Cincinnati area! Thousands of families will attest that their Tumble Bee℠ education has developed “happy, healthy, responsible children” into two generations of “happy, healthy, responsible adults”!

Tumble Bees℠ is so much more than a gymnastics program for preschoolers. Our emphasis is not on being the fastest, the strongest or the best. Instead, it is on the excitement of learning. We believe that every child wants to learn, and when we find that delicate balance between learning and play, children are inspired! With just the right amount of success and challenge, your child will discover that hard work is rewarding and that learning is fun.


Would you like all the current BUZZ about Tumble Bees? Check out our socials as well as our Tumble Bees Website that includes more in depth information about theme weeks, skill focuses, special events and more!

More about our


Tumble Bees Babies laying on parachute

Infant class

Parent Participation

Length: 30 minutes

Ages: 6 weeks - 6 months

Cost: FREE

This 30 minute class is designed for caregivers to engage with their Baby Bee in a variety of stimulating activities. You will learn fun and engaging tummy time exercises that you can easily do at home to encourage your child's normal physical development. The Tumble Bee Infant Class is also a wonderful resource for new parents to interact with other new parents in the community.

baby crawling through tunnel

Baby Bees 6 months to walking

Parent Participation

Length: 45 Minutes

Ages: 6 months - walking

Cost: $25 per month

Crawlers to cruisers! This 45 minute class focuses on working towards all different types of mobility from fine motor play, interactive songs to active floor circuit work. Baby Bees curriculum is focused on pushing and pulling, rolling, directions and opposites as well as balancing and purposeful play.

A baby is standing on a wooden balance beam.

Baby Bees Walking to 24 months

Parent Participation

Length: 45 Minutes

Ages: Walking - 24 months

Cost Non-Prime (Daytime): $121 per month
Cost Prime (Evening & Weekend): $125 per month

Adventure awaits your walker! This 45 minute class offers free exploration, fine motor play through song and a trip to the "big gym" where your child will move through a circuit just like the big kids. The curriculum in this class includes rolling, directions and opposites, balance, and pushing and pulling.

A little girl is sitting in a hula hoop and smiling.

Bee & Me 2 Year Olds

Parent Participation

Length: 45 Minutes

Ages: 2 year olds

Cost Non-Prime (Daytime): $136 per month
Prime (Evening & Weekend): $147 per month

This 45 minute class is our last grown-up assisted class. This year is spent fostering independence and confidence by introducing concepts like sharing, taking turns and following directions in a stimulating and challenging environment.

Class begins with fine motor play with fine motor activity and songs before adventuring into the "big gym" for two stations focused on gross motor development.

The last part of class provides time for free exploration for those who require a break from instruction OR the option for continued circuit work for those children close to their third birthday.

A young boy is hanging on a bar in a gym.

Little 3's

Length: 45 Minutes

Ages: 3 year olds

Cost Non-Prime (Daytime): $136 per month
Prime (Evening & Weekend): $147 per month

These bees get to do it all on their own! This class is curated for newly independent movers and shakers as they work in a group setting without parents for the first time. Little Three’s growing bodies are ready to be introduced to the gymnastics basics along with coordinated gross motor development, motor planning, and directional skills to name just a few. However, at the same time, we are gently nurturing growing independence, social and emotional development and language skills during this active learning opportunity. 

Happy Child swinging on a rope

Little 4's

Length: 45 Minutes
Ages: 4 year olds

Cost Non-Prime (Daytime): $136 per month
Prime (Evening & Weekend): $147 per month

Four year olds are all about learning and trying new things which is just what our curriculum is designed for. This class creates opportunities to be challenged with movement, language development, and socialization in a class community. Little Fours are stronger and more coordinated and primed to learn gymnastics fundamentals. But we haven’t forgotten the whole child is developing, so the curriculum includes language, shape, numbers, letters and more cognitive challenges too! Four year olds are beginning to understand multi-step instructions and are able to follow directions independently. All of this adds up to increased skill development opportunities still centered on creative lesson plans to engage those four year old imaginations.

A young boy is hanging upside down on a balance beam.

Big 5's

Length: 45 Minutes
Ages: Currently in or going into Preschool

Cost Non-Prime (Daytime): $136 per month
Prime (Evening & Weekend): $147 per month

Watch out, Five Year Olds are ready to learn! The Big Five’s class is designed for children who are currently in preschool (or going into preschool if enrolling in the summer), can follow directions and are ready for a faster paced class. At this age, your child has gained listening and attention skills, which allow for more opportunities to learn. Big Five students will face more complex motor planning and coordination challenges, progressive gymnastic skills, and social interactions with partners. By creatively incorporating more skill development into our lesson plans, your child will get hooked on learning and gymnastics fundamentals begin to take shape!

A little girl is doing a handstand on a trampoline

Kinder Bees

Length: 45 Minutes
Ages: Currently in or going into Kindergarten

Cost Non-Prime (Daytime): $136 per month
Prime (Evening & Weekend): $147 per month

Kinder Bees is designed for children who are currently in Kindergarten (or going into Kindergarten if enrolling in the summer). This age group LOVES and is ready to be challenged! Whether trying a new skill, or going higher, faster or farther, our Kinder Bees will LOVE expanding on many of the skills that have been introduced in other Tumble Bee classes. Remember parents, at this age all kids develop at their own pace. It is our goal to individualize activities when necessary to offer just the right balance of challenge and success for each Kinder Bee. Some of the gymnastics skills that our Kinder Bees will be trying to master include backward and straddle rolling, cartwheels, handstands and pullovers.

While physical skills are fun to learn, your Kinder Bee will also be taught how apply principles such as respect, responsibility, and teamwork into their daily lives.

A woman is helping a young boy climb a balance beam.

Worker Bees

Length: 55 Minutes
Ages: Teacher Recommended

Cost Non-Prime (Daytime): $142 per month
Prime (Evening & Weekend): $149 per month

Worker Bees is a 55 minute teacher recommended class for those students demonstrating an eagerness to learn and ready for more challenge. This class utilizes both the Tumble Bee stations and some of the ‘big kid’ equipment to learn correct form and shapes, increase overall strength and build a base of gymnastics fundamentals. Worker Bee class curriculum designed to prepare students for the grade school instructional classes. 

A woman is helping a young girl do a handstand on a mat.


Length: 90 Minutes
Teacher Recommended
Prime (Evening & Weekend): $196 per month

Blast is a teacher recommended 90 minute class for Worker Bee students ready for more and not yet in first grade. The Blast class turns the knob up with longer class endurance, more strength and conditioning challenge and gymnastic skill progressions.

A man in a gray shirt with the word twinkle on the back is running with a little boy


Length: 45 Minutes

Ages: 5-6 year old BOYS

Cost Non-Prime (Daytime): $136 per month
Prime (Evening & Weekend): $147 per month

Fun-Agility-& Speed Training...for boys! FAST is specifically designed to build coordination, agility and speed in 5-7 year old boys. With guidance and a focused approach, the boys in our FAST class will improve their athletic ability, general coordination and body control.


FAST takes a unique approach to developing gross motor coordination and confidence, regardless of a child’s ability. The FAST lesson plans will creatively balance cardio exercises, agility, foot work, various ball activities and strength activities with an element of fun. We know that boys love to be challenged AND they love to be successful. We will provide opportunities for plenty of both!

A poster for the tumble bees spring recital


SAVE THE DATE:  Saturday, May 3 and Sunday, May 4

Get ready for a heartwarming, “Little Engine That Could”-inspired recital celebrating the big achievements of our mighty 3- to 6-year-old Tumble Bees! These little engines have climbed their own mountains, chugging along with all the enthusiasm and determination this past year. We can’t wait for you to cheer them on as they show off their “I think I can!” moments.

Early-Bird Pricing  1/6-2/3

$85 first child, $70 second child
Regular Pricing  2/4-4/21
$100 first child, $85 second child

For more details on the Spring recital or to watch last year's show, click here>>

A logo for open play with a bee and honeycombs


Imagine a full hour in the land of Tumble Bees, only you are the driver! Swinging, bouncing, flying, and rolling on all your favorites; trampolines, tunnels, slides and more. Open Play is fully supervised but non-instructional.

Ages: Open to ALL

- 6 months-2 year olds (Parent Assistance)

- 3-6 year olds
Fridays 12:00-1:00PM

Saturdays 12:30-1:30PM (Every Third Saturday is Friends & Family - only enrolled students & their families)

Cost: $10 enrolled, $20 non-enrolled

Tumble Bees Fourth Friday Open Play


One full hour in Tumble Bees. Swinging, bouncing, flying, and rolling on all your favorites; trampolines, tunnels, slides and more. Open Play is fully supervised but non-instructional.

Dates:  March 28, 2025

Times:  4:30-5:30 and 5:30-6:30

Ages:   Open to all
- 6 months-2 year olds (Parent Assistance)
- 3-6 year olds

Cost:  $20 per participant


Fly Kids Ninja Open Gym also available last Friday of the month. More Info >>

A sign that says school 's out open play


One full hour in Tumble Bees. Swinging, bouncing, flying, and rolling on all your favorites; trampolines, tunnels, slides and more. Open Play is fully supervised but non-instructional.

Ages:   Open to all
6 months-2 year olds (Parent Assistance)
3-6 year olds

"BEE the Builder" OPEN PLAY
1 hour of creativity where our little bees get to create their own stations, use their imagination and have lots of fun!
Monday, March 24
Time:  10:00-11:00am

Tumble Bees Cartwheel Clinic


Learning a cartwheel is hard work! Does your Tumble Bee want to spend a little extra time mastering the fundamentals for a cartwheel? Join us for all things cartwheels in our 1 hour Cartwheel Clinic for Tumble Bees. Each clinic will include a fast moving warm-up, cartwheel skills and a fun finish.

Ages: 4 1/2 - 6 years
Price:  $55 per clinic for currently enrolled student
Dates: March 27
Times: 11:30 AM-12:30 PM

A green sign that says we like to party tumble bees


Does your little one LOVE Tumble Bees℠?

Have a Tumble Bees℠ Open Play experience with friends and family! BOOK YOUR PARTY TODAY!

More Info on Tumble Bee Parties at Kids First >>



MERGERS from Foundations Pediatric Therapy

Do you have a child who needs help to fully participate in activites?

At Kids First we realize that every child is a kid first. But, they are each on their own person. They all grow and develop differently. Mergers is for children who need extra attention to succeed at first. It is for building their abilities to be able to be independent in the future.
More Info about MERGERS (Flyer) >>


We believe that the greatest strength of our program is our teachers. Tumble Bee℠ teachers have a genuine love for children, as well as a thorough understanding of early childhood development. Each of us is here to help your child grow and learn, and we do that through the fun and challenging activities we offer each week.

Research indicates that the primary reason children participate in sports is to have fun. The number one reason they quit is because it is not fun anymore. Our teachers understand this concept and are committed to creating a positive, fun, learning environment in every class. We know that the preschool years are the best time to learn to “love to learn."

Casey Campbell

Department Leader
Casey Campbell

Casey began working for Queen City Gymnastics, Inc. in September 1997! She was one of our first Department Leaders and helped Jeff and crew move into our Kids First Sports Center building in 1998! Casey has been a leader of our organization over the years in our team, recreational and preschool departments. Her creativity, get-it-done attitude and candor make her an amazing teammate and leader.

Casey stepped into the Tumble Bee Department Leader role in late 2019 after serving as the Assistant Dept. Leader for Jen O'Hara (now KF President, then Tumble Bee Dept. Leader). Casey is a dedicated, driven leader who exemplifies our 26 Points. She will always make decisions that advocate for Tumble Bees, her employees and will do all she can to drive Kids First to be successful. 


Would you like to learn more about Tumble Bees℠ and get an inside look? Casey Campbell, Tumble Bees℠ department leader shares information about the program as well as what to expect and how to come prepared for class.

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