We would like you to meet our unparalleled Hospitality Team, the Heart of Kids First! Located just inside the main entrance, you will find us waiting to answer your questions and help with anything you need.
This fee covers your entire family and is paid ONLY ONCE, upon your initial enrollment. This fee helps us defray costs such as software, web fees, and other admin costs.
Only ONE tuition (the highest) in your family pays full price. ALL lesser Kids First tuitions in your family are discounted a full 20%!
For Brand New students, Kids First will happily refund 100% of your first month's tuition should you not be completely delighted with your Kids First experience. We also allow 1 free trial class in programs you have not tried before.
NOTE: we do not offer trial lessons in our swim school. It often takes multiple visits to build trust and confidence (water can be scary for some children at first)! If after 1 month, you are dissatisfied, our 100% guarantee will be honored.

Tuition remains the same for every month of the year. Your tuition pays for an educational experience and not a specified number of classes. In any given year, some months have four classes and some months have five classes. On occasion, there will be a month with three classes for one reason or another. Over a year, typically, the average is slight over four classes per month. We make no distinction between long months and short months and we ask you do the same.
Click here to un-enroll by email | Click here to un-enroll through your account
*Competitive Teams are subject to terms of their individual team commitment forms, boosters, and competition fees. See your coach or team agreement for details.
*Competitive Teams determine practice changes & cancellations independently.
M-TH: 9-9
Friday: 9-8:30
Saturday: 9-4:30
Sunday: 9-3
©2024 All Rights Reserved | KIDS FIRST SPORTS CENTER | Where Kids LOVE to Learn!