Kids First Sports Center
Kids First Sports Center



Kids First Sports Center Enrollment


We would like you to meet our unparalleled Hospitality Team, the Heart of Kids First! Located just inside the main entrance, you will find us waiting to answer your questions and help with anything you need.


  • Enrollment is ongoing. You may enroll and un-enroll as you wish with no long term commitment.
  • You may make changes to day/time/program anytime through Team Hospitality as long as there is room in the new class!
  • You are financially responsible for you class until you un-enroll.
  • Unenrolling is easy…see un-enroll link below.

$35 Lifetime Administration Fee

This fee covers your entire family and is paid ONLY ONCE, upon your initial enrollment. This fee helps us defray costs such as software, web fees, and other admin costs.

Multiple Class 20% Discount

Only ONE tuition (the highest) in your family pays full price. ALL lesser Kids First tuitions in your family are discounted a full 20%!

  • Tumble Bee's 6mo-Pre-Walking class does not receive an addtional 20% discount due its already steeply discounted tuition.

100% Guarantee

For Brand New students, Kids First will happily refund 100% of your first month's tuition should you not be completely delighted with your Kids First experience. We also allow 1 free trial class in programs you have not tried before.

NOTE: we do not offer trial lessons in our swim school. It often takes multiple visits to build trust and confidence (water can be scary for some children at first)! If after 1 month, you are dissatisfied, our 100% guarantee will be honored.   


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A sign that says `` extra class monthly '' on a purple background.

Missed Class/Extra Class Updates

  • Kids First will provide one extra class a month per class enrollment.
  • This class may be used if your student must miss a class due to illness or schedule conflict. Even if your child does not miss their normal class time, you may opt to use this extra class.
  • The extra class may be scheduled up to one week in advance and is subject to availability.
  • It must be used in the program and level your child is actively enrolled in.
  • It may be used to attend an Open Gym in the program your child is actively enrolled in instead of an extra class.
  • Extra classes do not transfer to future months and you will not be reimbursed for unused classes.
  • You will not be credited or reimbursed for missed classes.
  • Due to the unique class structure, Queen City Ninja Fly Kids will continue to offer two extra classes a month.

Tuition (you may enroll or unenroll at your convenience)

  • Tuition is pro-rated based on your start date.
  • We accept all major credit and debit cards.
  • Participation requires that you create an online account with a card on file.
  • Tuition is auto-debited on the 25th of every month preceding the activity. (example: tuition for March will be auto-debited on February 25th)
  • Tuition is auto-debited for as long as you are actively enrolled. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO UNENROLL TO STOP THE AUTO-DEBITING PROCESS.
  • To avoid an auto-debit on your credit card simply submit your choice of alternate payment ON OR BEFORE THE 24th of the month preceding the activity.

Tuition remains the same for every month of the year. Your tuition pays for an educational experience and not a specified number of classes. In any given year, some months have four classes and some months have five classes. On occasion, there will be a month with three classes for one reason or another. Over a year, typically, the average is slight over four classes per month. We make no distinction between long months and short months and we ask you do the same.


  • Must be submitted by email or through parent portal. (We do not do un-enrollments via phone or in person.)
  • Please include students name, program, your desired last class date & any feedback.
  • We do not credit or refund for past missed classes.
  • Un-Enrollments submitted after the 25th of a month for all or part of the following month will result in a full or prorated credit to your Kids First account only.
  • Please un-enroll before the 25th to avoid (or pro-rate!) payment for the following month.

Click here to un-enroll by email  |   Click here to un-enroll through your account

*Competitive Teams are subject to terms of their individual team commitment forms, boosters, and competition fees. See your coach or team agreement for details.

Instructional Class Breaks & Other Closures

  • All months average 4 weeks of class.
  • We do not charge more or less for longer or shorter months.
  • Months with 5 classes make up for months with 3 classes due to break weeks.
  • No make ups or credits will be issued for break weeks or holiday closures.

*Competitive Teams determine practice changes & cancellations independently.

What to Wear To Your First Class

Tumble Bees- Children should wear comfortable clothes that allow them to move freely. Children will go barefoot in class. Some children do start wearing leotards in the Little 4s and up classes, but it is not necessary. Children should wear leotards for Worker Bees and Blast.
Fly Kids- Children should wear shorts/comfortable leggings or pants and t shirt. Children should wear gym shoes.
Swim: Appropriate swim attire should be worn in the pool. No street clothes. Children that are not potty trained should wear a swim diaper. Don't forget your towel!
Boys Gym Jam- Children should wear comfortable clothes that allow them to move freely; usually shorts and a t-shirt. Children will go barefoot.
Girls Gym Jam- Children should wear comfortable clothing that allows them to move freely. Tops should be tucked in or fit more snuggly so they do not flip up while tumbling. Some children prefer to wear leotards, but it is not necessary to wear a leotard. Children will go barefoot.
Just Tumble/Cheer classes-  Children should wear comfortable clothing that allows them to move freely. Tops should be tucked in or fit more snuggly so they do not flip up while tumbling.
Dance- In the dance mix and primary levels, it is recommended that children wear leggings and a top or leotard and tights. For your trial class, the dance studio has ballet shoes that may be borrowed or socks may be worn.
Aerial arts- Students should wear leggings and long sleeve shirt that can be tucked in.
Tae Kwon Do- Students should dress comfortably. After the trial, the Tae Kwon Do uniform may be purchased directly from Master Park. Students go barefoot.
Fencing- Students should dress in short sleeves and shorts/leggings or pants. The instructor will have all the equipment.

Team Hospitality Office Hours:

M-TH: 9-9

Friday: 9-8:30

Saturday: 9-4:30

Sunday: 9-3

Contact Us!


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