Small Ratio Therapy Classes for Kids with Neurodiversity and/or Developmental Challenges

Kids First Foundations is a refreshing and unique approach to physical, social and emotional education for children with neurodiversity and/or developmental challenges.

Foundations classes have a great emphasis on social integration. As progress is made, our goal is to maximize each child's potential and to include each child in regular Kids First programming in any way that is possible.

Occupational, Physical, and Speech Therapy services are offered in a group setting, with a focus on sensory integration, and motor learning, and communication. Our unique small group approach, within a recreational setting, will offer one-of-a-kind services utilizing evidence-based treatment interventions.

This program will benefit children of all needs and ability levels, helping each one of them to maximize his/her potential by giving them the right challenges to assist them in learning and growing into the best they can be. By working to ensure a strong foundation for learning and development, therapy services can enhance children’s abilities to master skills.



Foundations therapy was created with the goal of helping each child grow and learn to the best of their abilities. By looking at what underlying skills are causing deficits and working to build those foundational pieces from the bottom up, a child is much more likely to be successful with all tasks instead of just having single splintered skills. By addressing needs in a natural recreational setting, children can begin to generalize the information more quickly giving them the ability to maximize their potential.


Foundations is the first pediatric therapy program to be offered in a recreational setting. By providing therapy in a natural environment, it encourages greater carryover of skills for everyday life. In addition, by receiving therapy at Foundations, you will build up a team of people who understand the needs of your child and can continue to facilitate his/her growth beyond therapy into  other instructional and recreational classes.


Foundations small group therapy sessions are designed for children with speech and language delays, developmental delays, learning disabilities, ADHD, Autism, Asperger Syndrome, Sensory Processing Disorder/ Sensory Integration Dysfunction, ADHD, Dyslexia, Cerebral Palsy, Anxiety and other mental health problems, Down Syndrome and a variety of other chromosomal abnormalities.


For individual treatment and most of Foundations groups, an evaluation must first be completed by a licensed therapist. This will allow that professional to get a true picture of the strengths and needs of your child and how best to help him/her reach his/her goals. Evaluations lasting 45 minutes to 1.5 hours will consist of working with the child in a play based setting, consulting with the parent to gain critical information, and/or using standardized testing tools to identify area(s) of need. This evaluation includes a written report that you can share with others on your child's team.

Insurance billing: You may submit for reimbursement but we are not billing for clients at this time.
$50 Cancellation Policy: Cancellations with less than 24 hour notice will incur a $50 charge from your account card.


This evaluation is for children who have a current evaluation which is three months old or less from another organization. Parents are required to submit prior evaluations for review ahead of scheduled session. Once reviewed and accepted, a child and parent can then attend a 30 minute mini evaluation with a licensed therapist for class placement. This evaluation does not include a written report.
$50 Cancellation Policy: Cancellations with less than 24 hour notice will incur a $50 charge from your account card.



Length: 1 hour (therapy is 45 minutes and consultation with parents is 5 minutes leaving 10 minutes for documentation for progress monitoring)

Price: $497 per month

Description: One on one speech language therapy services (one service per session) provided based on your child's individual needs and goals determined by the evaluation process. A great option for parents seeking intensive services within a unique setting with access to amazing equipment while maximizing your child's growth by individualizing each session to his/her needs. 

Download Printable Flyer >>



Length: 1 hour (therapy is 45 minutes and consultation with parents is 5 minute leaving 10 minutes for documentation for progress monitoring)

Price: $497 per month

Description: One on one occupational therapy services (one service per session) provided based on your child's individual needs and goals determined by the evaluation process. A great option for parents seeking intensive services within a unique setting with access to amazing equipment while maximizing your child's growth by individualizing each session to his/her needs. 



Length: 1 hour (therapy is 45 minutes and consultation with parents is 5 minutes leaving 10 minutes for documentation for progress monitoring)

Price: $497 per month

Description: One on one physical therapy services (one service per session) provided based on your child's individual needs and goals determined by the evaluation process. A great option for parents seeking intensive services within a unique setting with access to amazing equipment while maximizing your child's growth by individualizing each session to his/her needs. 



Length: 30 minutes

Price: $497 per month

Aquatic Therapy is an excellent stand-alone or supplement to land-based occupational and/or physcical therapy. The warm, bouyant water enables your child to feel free and gain sensory feedback about how to move their body through space. It uses safe and efficient methods to achieve your child's individualized goals all while being very motivating and fun!

Aquatic Therapy has been proven to achieve improvements in:

  • Bilateral coordination
  • Self-regulation
  • Motor planning
  • Joint mobility
  • Muscle flexibility
  • Head and trunk control
  • Blood supply to muscles
  • Attention span and sensory motor integration
  • Respiratory rate
  • Circulation
  • Symmetry, strength and endurance
  • Improve self-esteem, confidence and motivation

Foundations Aquatic Therapy Classes are designed for children with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Developmental Delays, Orthopedic Impairments, Sensory Processing Disorder/Sensory Integration Dysfunction, Down Syndrome and other Chromosomal Abnormalities, and Neurological Impairment. 

Research shows that Aquatic Therapy produces benefits equal to or greater than land-based therapy. Plus this approach is extremely FUN!


Cost: $269 per month

Length: 30 minutes 1:1 adaptive swim lesson

Who is it for?

For children ages 2-10 years old who need individual instruction and adaptive techniques to learn water safety and swimming skills.


Fun, play-based opportunity to practice current skills and learn new skills that can develop into life long recreational activities.

Water safety and swimming skills are essential life skills.

Classes are run by instructors who have a background and training in working with children with adaptive needs, swim instruction, and teaching motor skills through play and gymnastics.

Skills addressed:

-Water safety

-Beginner/ Intermediate/& Advanced Swim Instruction based on need

Also addressing:

-Sensory regulation/Attention

-Social skills

-Motor skills


-Following adult directed tasks

For more information:

Contact Dr. Rachel A. Lott, OTD, OTR/L, BCP at

Complete Application form Online Now!




    1 hour (therapy is 45 minutes and consultation with parents is 5 minutes

    leaving 10 minutes for documentation for progress monitoring)

    Price: $317 per month


    The perfect small group occupational therapy class for six month to three year olds (split into individual groups based on ability and closer age range) to begin to gain new motor skills in a fun and inviting environment. Parents get to participate in this class to learn ways to integrate the techniques being learned in therapy at home for increased practice of new skills. Rooted in a strong play based approach, this will be a child driven class where children are encouraged to enhance their current skills by exploring new sensations, movements, games, and activities. The core focus of the group will be integrating the sensory information he/she receives from the environment and producing appropriate responses to this information. Other objectives of the group include:  improving gross motor skills of balance, coordination, strength, and control; building fine and visual motor skills of strength, control, and coordination; and improving social skills for interacting with peers and adults (including but not limited to increased attention to task and interaction with others).


    1 hour (therapy is 45 minutes and consultation with parents is 5 minutes

    leaving 10 minutes for documentation for progress monitoring)

    Price: $317 per month


    A one-of-a-kind, small group, occupational therapy session designed for 2-6 year olds (split into individual groups based on ability and closer age range) to explore their environment. Using sensory integration principals, this will be a child-driven class where they get to explore a variety of sensory movements and where they are encouraged to enhance their current skills by exploring new sensations, movements, games, and activities. The core focus of the group will be integrating the sensory information he/she receives from the environment and producing appropriate responses to this information. Other objectives of the group include:  improving gross motor skills of balance, coordination, strength, and control; building fine and visual motor skills of strength, control, and coordination; and improving social skills for interacting with peers and adults (including but not limited to increased attention to task and interaction with others).


    1 hour (therapy is 45 minutes and consultation with parents is 5 minutes

    leaving 10 minutes for documentation for progress monitoring)


    Price: $317 per month

    A unique small group occupational therapy session designed for 3-8 year olds (split into individual groups based on ability and closer age range)  to begin to work on their motor development within a structured and controlled environment. Using fun games and activities such as a motor song, core poses, fine motor work, game time, and a cool down, children will get to practice a large variety of fine motor, gross motor and social skills.  These pieces of development are all interrelated, and when they work in harmony, they improve a child’s ability to learn essential information for school such as reading and math, as well as improve functioning in all environments.

    The core focus of the group will be on integrating the sensory information a child receives from the environment and producing appropriate responses to this information. Other objectives of the group include:  integrating primitive reflex patterns; improving gross motor skills of balance, coordination, strength, and control; building fine and visual motor development of strength, control, and coordination; building self-help skills; and improving behavior and the ability to interact with peers and adults (including but not limited to turn-taking, direction following, increased attention to task, and interaction with others).


    Children appropriate for these groups include children who:

    - seek excessive movement

    - are hesitant to move, climb and explore

    - seem inflexible and have difficulty with change 

    - prefer to play alone versus with others

    - have difficulty with transitions, changes in routine, and following adult directed tasks

    - demonstrate sensory sensitivities (to clothing, foods, etc)

    - demonstrate high pain tolerance

    - have limited safety awareness

    - have delays in fine motor, visual motor skills

    - display weak core strength, balance and coordination

    - demonstrate delayed ball skills


    1 hour (therapy is 45 minutes and consultation with parents is 5 minutes

    leaving 10 minutes for documentation for progress monitoring)


    Price: $317 per month

    A one-of-a-kind, small group, occupational therapy session for 6-10 year olds (split into individual groups based on ability and closer age range) with a core focus of integrating the sensory information he/she receives from the environment and producing appropriate responses to this information. Using sensory integration principals, this will be a child-driven class where they get to explore a variety of sensory movements and where they are encouraged to enhance their current skills by exploring new sensations, movements, games, and activities.


    Other objectives of the group include: 

    - improving gross motor skills of balance, coordination, strength, and control

    - building fine and visual motor skills of strength, control, and coordination

    - improving social skills for interacting with peers and adults (including but not limited to increased attention to task and interaction with others)


    1 hour (therapy is 45 minutes and consultation with parents is 5 minutes

    leaving 10 minutes for documentation for progress monitoring)


    Price: $317 per month

    A unique small group occupational therapy session designed for children ages 8-12 years (split into individual groups based on ability and closer age range) to get to practice a large variety of fine motor, visual motor, and gross motor skills. Social skills and interaction skills will also be addressed throughout the class.  These foundational pieces of development are all interrelated, and when they work in harmony, they improve a child’s ability to learn essential information for school such as reading and math, as well as improve functioning in all environments.


    Using fun games and activities in a circuit type format will encourage independence and ownership of skill development while allowing therapist to individualize activities to each child assuring a just right challenge for each of them.


    The core focus of the group will include: 

    - integrating primitive reflex patterns; improving gross motor skills of balance, coordination, strength, and control; improving motor planning skills

    - building fine and visual motor development of strength, control, and coordination; building self-help skills

    - improving behavior and the ability to interact with peers and adults (including but not limited to turn-taking, direction following, increased attention to task, and interaction with others)



One-on-One instructor for your child, integrated with class

Mergers Tumble Bees - $193 per month
Mergers Gym Jam - $206 per month

Mergers Fly Kids - $206 per month

The instructor will work side by side with your child in a regular class. This will make sure your child is successful. And, help them to gain independence.

Skills that your child’s instructor will work on in addition to the motor skills in class:
-Ability to move between routine and non-routine tasks
-Following simple rules and multi-step directions
-Following adult directed activities without additional cues
-Turn taking with other children
-Learning to control their excitement
-Staying on task until it is completed
-Connecting actions and consequences
-Expressing feelings appropriately
-Able to stay with the group
-Able to participate with peers
-Able to ask for help when needed

Downloadable Flyers: Tumble Bee Mergers


-Are you looking for a fun and inclusive program where your child will gain skills?
-Are you ready for your child to reach new heights?

(2hrs 15min, 2 days a week)

Tuesday & Thursday
9:00am - 11:15am

*A second session will be added from 11:45am to 2:00pm if there's enough interest

(4 Week Session, 8 classes total)

Session 1: June 3rd-June 26th

Session 2: July 8th-July 31st

$1,489 (Sign up for 1 or both Sessions)

SOAR is a small group program expertly designed to support your child's development. It helps maintain progress gained during the school year and builds new skills for school, home, and their community.

Your child will participate in engaging activities led by a team of licensed professionals, including occupational therapists, physical therapists, and speech-language pathologists.

SOAR uses a fun, play-based, and multi-sensory approach to learning. Your child will actively develop new skills without realizing how hard they work. The program is designed to address each child's individual needs.

SOAR meets twice a week to maximize skill carryover while allowing plenty of time for downtime and family fun during the summer.

45 minutes per day in each of the following areas: Sensory/Gross Motor, Speech/Social Skills, Fine Motor/Academic Skills

Common skills address will include: Academic skills, language development, social skills with peers, following directions, answering questions, vocabulary acquisition and use, executive functioning skills, sensory and motor skills including strength and control, balance, coordination and motor planning.

For questions and to enroll, please contact Rachel Lott, OTD, OTR/L, BCP at


Department Leader
Dr. Rachel Lott, OTR/L, BCP

Rachel Lott is a seasoned licensed Occupational Therapist with over 15 years experience. She is certified in Sensory Integration and has dedicated her career to working with children of all abilities and helping them maximize their potential.
She began her career while still in college by working both one on one with children in their homes, and at a special needs and inclusions day camp program in Cincinnati. These experiences gave her unique perspective on the needs of a child through the family’s eyes, to include the definite benefit and need for inclusion for children.

While she has spent the majority of her career working in area school districts, she has also worked extensively with the birth to three population. In addition, she has also worked for Cincinnati Children’s at the Pearlman Center –for assistive technology and has done aquatic therapy.

Rachel is thrilled to be offering programming at Kid’s First.
She feels it is the perfect place to help all children grow and learn.

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